Mycobacterium tuberculosis: GENE AND GENOME ANALYSIS
School of Psychology and Clinical Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia
School of Psychology and Clinical Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) continues to be high, and it is a major threat in global public health. Mycobacterium family has over 60 species, however, only Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium Africanum and Mycobacterium avium are pathogenic to humans. Although other animals can also get infected, humans are the only known host for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Once the immune system is compromised, the microorganism can cause infection or can be reactivated if previously infected with the bacteria. The availability of complete genome sequencing of both laboratory and virulent strain of M. tuberculosis has provided researchers a wealth of new knowledge and greater understanding about this microorganism. This article summarizes the nature of these infectious bacteria at a molecular level, taking into account the recent advancements in sequencing and drug resistance.
Keywords: Tuberculosis (TB), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gene, genome, sequence, drug, resistance