Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
Graduate Faculty of Environmental, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The deposited fractions of the inhaled particles in various regions of the respiratory tract depend on the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) of cigarette smoke. The mainstream of the cigarette smoke is a direct concern for smokers, while the exhaling and side stream smokes contribute to passive (second hand) smoking. In this research work, PSD of tobacco smoke for mainstream and passive stream smoke has been investigated for eight different types of cigarettes. A low pressure Cascade Impactor (CI) was used to measure the PSD of mainstream cigarette smoke and total concentration levels of particulate matters. It was observed that the PSD of cigarette smoke is, in a wide range, comprises nano to micro meter size particles. Consequently, they would affect all parts of human respiratory system, including the nasopharyngeal, the tracheobronchial, and the alveoles. In addition, with the hypothesis of no self-cleaning in Human's respiratory system, the number of cigarettes which a smoker consumes to fill all of his Alveolus was estimated. The aerosol particulate matter amount produced by cigarettes are different; amounting even to 7 times. All of cigarettes tested in this research work had the same PSD which mainly concentrated on fine particles region. Since the particle size of the cigarette main stream is tiny, they penetrate deep into the depth human respiratory system, causing many harmful diseases such as lung cancer. The result of this investigation showed that the non-smokers also are in a great danger of being exposed to cigarette secondhand smoke.
Keywords: Cascade impactor, particle size distribution, lung, smoker, cancer