Analysis of the Suitability of Fish Auction Place in PPN Pekalongan Based on Kepmen-KP 52A 2013 and Sustainability Development


Published: 2023-09-04

DOI: 10.56557/ajocr/2023/v8i38363

Page: 51-65

Michelia Fitrianing Setyawan *

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia.

Dian Wijayanto

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia.

Herry Boesono

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Development and construction of fisheries port facilities can be done by improving the suitability and optimization of fish auction as one of the functional facilities. Fisheries development can run well if the Fish Auction Place (TPI) has facilities and work systems that are in accordance with applicable regulations. Data were collected using observation, questionnaire, and in-depth interview with 20 respondents. This research aims to analyze the suitability of TPI at PPN Pekalongan based on the Decree of the Minister of Marine Fisheries Number 52 A of 2013 concerning Requirements for Quality Assurance and Safety of Fishery Products in the Process of Production, Processing, and Distribution at TPI PPN Pekalongan. This research used scoring analysis to analyze the suitability of TPI is scoring analysis by observing the physical condition of TPI and then comparing it to Kepmen-KP/52A/Year 2013, while the data analysis of sustainability of fish auction place at PPN Pekalongan was evaluated using RAPFISH method. According to the result a suitability of fish auction place in fish auction Pekalongan fish landing site category in based on Kepmen-KP/52A/2013 obtained an average score of 3.3 which indicates that it is quite suitable but there are still many indicators that are not in accordance with existing regulations. Criteria for fish marketing places obtained an average score of 3.92 which is categorized as appropriate but still needs attention for several aspects of fish marketing places. The status and sustainability index of the management of fish auction place in Pekalongan fish auction for the ecological and technological dimensions are less sustainable, while the economic and social dimensions are quite sustainable. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the condition of the Fish Auction Place at PPN Pekalongan is categorized as quite suitable and still needs improvement in facilities and infrastructure, while for the sustainability status of the Fish Auction Place at PPN Pekalongan also still needs improvement in the ecological, economic, social and technologic dimensions.

Keywords: Fish auction place, Pekalongan fishing port, sustainability, rapfish, KEPMENKP/52A/2013

How to Cite

Setyawan, M. F., Wijayanto, D., & Boesono, H. (2023). Analysis of the Suitability of Fish Auction Place in PPN Pekalongan Based on Kepmen-KP 52A 2013 and Sustainability Development. Asian Journal of Current Research, 8(3), 51–65.


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