Effect of Locus of Control on Eating Practices and Nutrition Awareness among Young Adolescent Sportspersons in Kerala, India
Aishwarya R *
Department of Home Science, Food and Nutrition, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Mini Joseph
Department of Home Science, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The locus of control refers to how one perceives personal responsibility for success or failure. This study examines how the locus of control affects eating practices and nutrition awareness among young adolescent sportspersons in Kerala. In this study, 314 (186 Male, 128 Female) (n=314) young adolescent sportspersons ranging in age from 13 to 24 years were selected. Purposive random sampling technique was used. For collecting information on eating practices, datas on food consumption pattern, food frequency method was taken. Nutrition awareness questions were also validated and the information was collected. To gather psychological data, Rotter's (1966) Internal-External locus of control was used. Statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, and standard deviation), one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc tests such as Scheffe's test. A one-way ANOVA found a statistically significant difference in eating patterns (food consumption pattern and food frequency method) and nutrition awareness between at least two groups F(3,310)=[3.385], p=.018, F(3,310)=[5.124], p=.002, and F(3,310)=[4.620], p=.004 respectively. The Locus of Control, .6% (2) of the sportspersons had very strong external LOC, 7.6% (24) had external LOC, the majority of the sportspersons 56.7% (178) had both internal and external LOC and 35% (110) were having internal LOC. The mean score for nutrition awareness was 4.15±1.593, with 16.24% (n=51) scoring in the good category. The locus of control affects the eating practices of athletes by shaping their beliefs about personal responsibility and control over nutrition. A balanced approach incorporating internal and external factors and individualized strategies is often the key to enhancing performance and overall health.
Keywords: Locus of control, eating practices, nutrition awareness, food consumption pattern, sportspersons