Exploring the Use of Rice Husk Ash in Concrete: Benefits and Applications
Ritesh Jain
Department of Civil Engineering, PAU Ludhiana, India.
Satinder Kar Khattra
Department of Civil Engineering, PAU Ludhiana, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
There are both economical and practical benefits to employing industrial and agricultural wastes in addition to more traditional building materials, despite the fact that their use has historically led to issues with pollution and waste management. Since the manufacture of one ton of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) produces nearly one ton of CO2, the demand for cement has surged in the last several decades, posing a serious ecological threat. The cement and building industries are linked to serious air pollution and harm to human health. As a result, governments and environmentalists have mandated the use of more environmentally friendly supplemental cementing materials in order to strictly regulate emission rates. Massive amounts of rice husk are harvested as a by-product material from the rice plant. The wastes have cheap transportation costs because they are typically easily accessible locally and have no commercial use. The woody coating that envelops the kernel or grain is called rice husk ash (RHA), and it is composed of two interlocking portions. Husk is a byproduct of yielding grain since it has to be manually removed by threshing or milling after rice is harvested. Wastes from the rice business, such as rice husks, are usually disposed of in the open, harming the environment and providing no economic advantages. Research on the application of rice husk ash (RHA) in concrete is crucial due to its potential to enhance concrete properties and reduce environmental impact. The potential of RHA for waste management and the construction industry is demonstrated by a thorough examination of the potential benefits and applications of rice husk ash in concrete, supporting research studies as well as practical applications in building and environmental projects.
Keywords: Concrete, rice husk ash, pollution and strength