Water Quality Testing of Yamuna River at Poiya Ghat (Vaikunth Dham / Swarg Dham), Agra

Pushpa Sahni *

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, 282005, India.

Deeksha Varshney

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, 282005, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Since pre-historic times, river water has been used as a source of drinking water. River water is now a source of hydropower generation, irrigation, aquaculture, navigation, transportation, and supports socio-economic activity, human settlement and aquatic living forms. Apart from this, river water has a very vital role in maintaining soil fertility, wildlife conservation and development of forest resources. Due to increase in industrialization, urbanization, mining, sewage disposal and rampant use of technology, Yamuna River water is becoming polluted day by day. It is threatening the survival of life itself. Due to use of contaminated water, human population suffers from water borne diseases. Water quality is getting affected by organic, inorganic and biological pollutants discharged from industrial effluents, domestic waste and sewage. The problem of pollution in Yamuna River has reached alarming proportions. The present study focuses on physico-chemical analysis of Yamuna River water at Poiya Ghat site, Agra to determine its quality and pollution profile over a period of 8 months. The dangerous values of parameters like Total Hardness, high concentration of TDS, Fluoride content, BOD and COD and presence of heavy metals like Pb, Al and Fe beyond the WHO and BIS permissible limits for drinking water is a cause for alarm. The present study shows the need for a continuous pollution monitoring and treatment programme of Yamuna river water in India. Government should focus on the control of point sources as well as non-point sources of pollution by initiating different programmes like Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) for the improvement of water quality of Yamuna River and restore it as a pious river once again.

Keywords: Yamuna River, water quality parameters, water pollution, permissible limits

How to Cite

Sahni, P., & Varshney, D. (2024). Water Quality Testing of Yamuna River at Poiya Ghat (Vaikunth Dham / Swarg Dham), Agra. Journal of Applied Chemical Science International, 15(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.56557/jacsi/2024/v15i28839


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