A Study on Consumer Brand Preference of Packed Milk in Coimbatore, India
Venkatesa Palanichamy N
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
Raja K
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
Kalpana M *
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
Aruna Prabha S
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The continuous effort to increase the global dairy production level has led to increasing due to adoption of new technologies. The innovative technologies have resulted in a significant rise in production and productivity of dairy in the world market in the last decades. The present study is made with an objective to study the consumer brand preference of Packed Milk in Coimbatore district. The major source of awareness about various packed milk brands is through TV & Radio advertisements and it contributes around 48.33 per cent followed by Retailers & Dairy fresh, contributing around 19.16 per cent. Advertisement through local newspaper contributes around 15 per cent. 69 per cent of the respondents were willing to recommend the packed milk brand to others and would encourage others to purchase in that packed milk brand, while remaining 30.83 per cent of the respondents were not willing to recommend the packed milk brand to others Majority of the respondents are preferring the packet size of milk is 200 ml. Most of the respondents were purchasing their packed milk through the Private vendors, followed by the source of Govt. Dairy and Dairy fresh. Introduction of new designs in packaging is helps to attracting the all the type of consumers. Advertisement through social media, leaflets, and awareness programme in public places to creating curiosity about packed milk brands and new offers. The packed milk brands should adopt new and effective measures in door delivery services to distribute their brands to every area of the city.
Keywords: Awareness, buying behavior, packed milk, brand preference