PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDY OF Heterophragma adenophyllum Seem ex Bth. and Hk. LEAF
Department of Botany, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
Department of Botany, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
Department of Botany, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Objective: In this paper accentuations were made to envisage the anatomical structure of leaf, powder drug study, phytochemical screening and biological activities of the crude drug.
Materials and Methods: Anatomical studies were conducted by hand section. Qualitative chemical screenings were to ascertain the presence or absence of secondary metabolites. Biological activities were investigated according to their standard protocols.
Results: Anatomical studies showed all the diagnostic feature of the leaf of this plant. It showed the presence of starch, cellulose, lignin, Ca-oxalate and tannins. The drug has not shown any cytotoxic, insecticidal and antibacterial activity. While methanolic extract exhibited vigorous Candidata albicans and Candidata glabrata and moderate activity against Fusarium solani and Aspergillus niger. The leaf shows 25% proliferation in phytotoxic bioassay.
Conclusions: Keeping in view the anatomical characterization, micro features of powder drug, microchemical tests of Heterophragma adenophyllum Seem ex Bth. and Hk to safe the plant from adulteration. Additionally the study betokened the presences of phytochemicals for pharmacological activities will provide a base line for further phytochemical and biological research.
Keywords: Heterophragma adenophyllum, anatomical studies, microchemical screening tests, biological activities