Editorial Team

Chief Editor    

Prof. Essam E Khalil

Department of Energy,

Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

email: khalil_ceb1@yahoo.com, khalile1@asme.org

Profile Link: NA



Academic Editor 

Prof. Leszek Labedzki (Retd.)

Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (ITP), Falenty,

Kujawsko-Pomorski Research Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Email: leszek.labedzki@onet.pl

Profile link: NA


Prof. Juan Carlos Cortés

Instituto Universitario de Matemática Multidisciplinar (IMM),

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Email: jccortes@mat.upv.es

Profile link: NA


Dr. M.T. Mathew

Assistant Professor,

Department of Orthopedics, Rush University Medical Center,

Midwest Orthopedics Building, Chicago, USA

Email: Mathew_T_Mathew@rush.edu

Profile Link: https://www.rushu.rush.edu/faculty/mathew-mathew-phd


Prof. Manoj Gupta

Provost Chair,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

National University of Singapore, Singapore 

Email: mpegm@nus.edu.sg

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Selvakumar Subbian

Laboratory of Mycobacterial Immunity and Pathogenesis,

Public Health Research Institute (PHRI),

New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, Rutgers,

The State University of New Jersey, USA

Email: subbiase@njms.rutgers.edu

Profile link: http://www.phri.org/research/res_pisubbian.asp


Dr. Enrico Franceschi

Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry,

University of Genoa, Italy

Email: franceschi@unige.it

Profile link: NA


Prof. Shi-Hai Dong

Department of Physics,

Superior School of Physics and Mathematics,

National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico

Email: dongsh2@yahoo.com, sdong@ipn.mx 

Profile Link: https://www.cic.ipn.mx/index.php/shi-hai-dong  


Prof. Singiresu S. Rao

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of Miami, USA

EMAIL: srao@miami.edu


Dr. James Concannon

Westminster College, Fulton, USA

Email: Jim.Concannon@westminster-mo.edu

Profile link: NA


Prof. Fabricio Moraes de Almeida

Federal University of Rondonia, Campus de Porto Velho, Brasil

Email: prof.fabricio@unir.br, dr.fabriciomoraes@gmail.com, prof.fabricio@gmail.com 

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Francisco Torrens

Institut Universitari de Ciencia Molecular,

Universitat de Valencia, Edifici dInstituts de Paterna, Spain

Email: torrens@uv.es, Francisco.Torrens@uv.es

Profile link: NA


Dr. Chun-Gang Zhu 

School of Mathematical Sciences,

Dalian University of Technology, China

Email: cgzhu@dlut.edu.cn

Profile link: NA


Dr. Narayan Thapa

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,

Minot State University, USA

Email: narayan.thapa@minotstateu.edu

Profile link: NA


Dr. Ljubisa D.R. Kocinac

Department of Mathematics,

University of Nis, Serbia

Email: lkocinac@gmail.com

Profile link: NA


Prof. Lucas Jódar

Instituto de Matemática Multidisciplinar,

Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación,

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Email: ljodar@imm.upv.es

Profile link: NA


Dr. Meng Ma

School of Computer Science and Technology,

Anhui University, China

Email: meng.ma@mssm.edu, mengma2@gmail.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Maria Selvaggi 

Department DETO, Section of Veterinary Science and Animal Production,

University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy

Email: maria.selvaggi@uniba.it, mariaselvaggi@libero.it   

Profile link: http://www.uniba.it/portal_memberdata/maria.selvaggi


Dr. Ya-mei Gao

College of life science and technology,

Heilongjiang Bayi Agariculture University, P. R. China

Email: gaoym800@126.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Soumendra Karmahapatra

Department of Oncology, Georgetown University, USA


Department of Pharmacology, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA

Email: karmahapatraskkmone@gmail.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Da-Long Guo

College of Forestry, Henan University of Science & Technology, P. R. China

Email: guodl2005@126.com, guodalong@haust.edu.cn, grapeguo@126.com  

Profile link: NA


Dr. Carlo Cattani

Mathematical Physics, Depertment of Mathematics,

University of Salerno, Italy

Email: ccattani@unisa.it

Profile link: NA


Dr. Vincenzo Tufarelli

Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Jonian Area (DiMePRe-J),

Section of Veterinary Science and Animal Production,

University of Bari 'Aldo Moro', Italy

Email: vincenzo.tufarelli@uniba.it

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Maria Laura Mastellone

Associate Professor,

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Environment and Health,

University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy

Email: marialaura.mastellone@unicampania.it, marialauramastellone@me.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Gui-Ping Cao

Department of Chemical Engineering,

UNILAB, State-Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering,

East China University of Science and Technology, China

Email: gpcao@ecust.edu.cn


Dr. Surapong Pinitglang

Department of Food Business Management,

School of Science and Technology,

University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand

Email: surapong_pin@utcc.ac.th

Profile link: NA


Dr. Narcisa Apreutesei

Department of Mathematics and Informatics,

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania

Email: napreut@gmail.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Robert G. DelCampo 

Department of Organizational Studies,

Anderson School of Management,

University of New Mexico, USA

Email: delcampo@unm.edu, delcampo@mgt.unm.edu

Profile link: NA


Dr. Fufeng Liu

Department of Biochemical Engineering,

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,

Tianjin University, P.R. China

Email: fufengliu@tju.edu.cn

Profile link: NA


Prof. Wen-Xiu Ma

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

University of South Florida, United States

Email: wma3@usf.edu, mawx@cas.usf.edu, mawx@math.usf.edu

Profile Link: http://www.math.usf.edu/~mawx,


Dr. Standardi Alvaro

(Rtd) Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,

University of Perugia, Italy

Email: gastandardi@alice.it

Profile link: NA


Dr. Mayur Kumar Kajla

Technical Support Scientist, USA

Email: mayurkkajla@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Qiang Ge

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Email: geqiang2000@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. A. O. Abd El Halim

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Carleton University, Canada

Email: AbdEl.Halim@carleton.ca

Profile Link: https://carleton.ca/cee/people/abd-el-halim-a-o/ 


Dr. Xianfang Yue

Associate Professor,

Department of Bio-medical & Thermal Engineering,

School of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Email: yuexf@me.ustb.edu.cn, sanfonny@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/1MkCZo


Dr. Antonio Simone Laganà

Department of Pediatric, Gynecological, Microbiological and Biomedical Sciences,

University of Messina, Italy

Email: antlagana@unime.it

Profile link: NA


Dr. Christopher Koroneos

Unit of Environmental Science and Technology,

School of Chemical Engineering.

Iroon Polytechneiou St., Zographou Campus, Athens, Greece

Email: koroneos@chemeng.ntua.gr

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Sarminah Samad

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Business Management,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Email: sarminasamad@hotmail.com, sarminasamad@gmail.com, sarmi590@salam.uitm.edu.my

Profile link: https://goo.gl/9dcYFs


Dr. Ioannis A. Makedos

Economic Science,

University of Macedonia, Greece

Email: john130570@gmail.com  

Profile link: NA


Prof. Airton Deppman

Instituto de Fisica,

Universidade de Sao Paulo - IFUSP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Email: adeppman@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Gaurav Dwivedi

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Amity School of Engineering & Technology,

Amity University, India

Email: gdiitr2005@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Jose Martinez Reyes

Engineering In Energy,

University Of The Cienega,  Mexico

Email: jmartinez@ucienegam.edu.mx

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Rizwan M Sanadi

Dr GD Pol Foundation,

YMT Dental College and Hospital, India

Email: drriz28@yahoo.com,ymtden@yahoo.com  

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Manjunatha. P. Mudagal

Associate Professor,

Department of Pharmacology,

Acharya & B.M Reddy College of Pharmacy, Karnataka, India

Email: mudagal@yahoo.co.in  

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Wagih Mommtaz Ghnnam

Department of General and trauma surgery 

Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt

Email: wghnnam@mans.edu.eg, wghnnam@gmail.com

Profile Lik: NA


Prof. Titus Iloduba Eze

Department of Vocational Education,

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

Email: tylodubaeze@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Nimet Keser

Department of Fine Art Education, Faculty of Education,

Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey

Email: nimetkeser@gmail.com, nkeser@cu.edu.tr

Profile Link: http://aves.cu.edu.tr/nkeser/yayinlar


Dr. Cam Caldwell

Department of Business,

Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman

Email: cam.caldwell@gmail.com

Profile Link:  NA  


Complete list of Editors will be published soon.