Economic Analysis of Lettuce Growing in Greenhouse: A Case Study from Türkiye
Dilek Yücel Engindeniz *
Department of Plant and Animal Production, Agricultural Management Program, Izmir Vocational School, Dokuz Eylül University, 35380, Izmir, Türkiye.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the economic aspects of greenhouse lettuce production in the Menderes district of Izmir province, Türkiye and to determine the criteria that growers attach importance to in lettuce growing. Data were collected from 66 growers using a proportional sampling method using a survey. In the study, first of all, the socio-economic characteristics of the growers were determined. Then, economic aspects of lettuce production of the growers were analyzed and the criteria that growers attach importance to in their decisions to grow lettuce were determined. Average lettuce production area was 3.76 decares. Average lettuce yield per decare was calculated as 4,516.17 kg. The average gross return of lettuce per decare was determined as US$ 1,474.19, and average net return per decare US$ 542.25. the most important criterion that growers consider for growing lettuce was determined to be soil and water structure. The study results show that lettuce production can be done economically in the region. But, in order to make production profitable and ensure economic sustainability in greenhouse vegetable growing, it is necessary to reduce production costs. In addition, vegetables should be marketed at a high price.
Keywords: Growing under cover, greenhouse vegetable, lettuce, profitability analysis, grower decisions