Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The management of urban growth has been a major concern to government especially in developing countries in the global south which Nigeria is not an exception. The dynamics of urban growth and management in Nigerian urban centres have been enmeshed in several challenges ranging from socio-spatial to institutional and recently political. This study aims to identify and assess the challenges impeding the implementation of development control and urban growth management measures by the relevant agencies and its impact on physical planning within Port Harcourt Municipality. The objectives of the study are to: examine the development control process as presently applied, identify the operational, institutional and political challenges faced by development control agencies as well as identify the impact of these failures on development control activities in Port Harcourt Municipality. The study adopted the cross-sectional sampling technique. The sample size of ninety-two (92) respondents was judgemental sampling drawn from staff of the agencies, prospective applicants, successful applicants and unsuccessful applicants for development permit within the municipality. Descriptive technique was used to analyse the data and findings were represented in simple percentages and charts. The study found out that the approvals of application for development permit are done without cognizance to extant laws and guidelines. The study further revealed that there are other bottlenecks which impede urban management and development control activities within the municipality. They include: operational, institutional and political challenges. The study concluded that if Port Harcourt municipality must return to its lost glory and even ascend, there must be a deliberate effort by all and sundry to say no to slums, pockets of uncontrolled development, squatter settlement, sprawl etcetera. To achieve this, the issue of rural urban migration must be dealt with by deliberately making the rural areas more habitable with provision of needed facilities provided.
Keywords: Challenges, growth management, municipality, planning implications, urban centres