Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The main reason for the inability to manage waste in Sri Lankan urban areas is operational failures of responsible local waste management authorities. However, compared to many advanced industrialized countries, very few studies have been carried out to detect the effectiveness of municipal solid waste management procedures in Sri Lanka. Therefore, this study by conducting a strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis, aims to help understand the status quo of urban waste management system in Balangoda suburb, Sri Lanka. The research is performed based on analyzing information obtained from field observations, reports, literature, questionnaire distribution among community and a series of focus interviews with major stakeholders concerned. According to the overall results of SWOT analysis process, established location of the solid waste management centre, regular waste collection, establishment of waste purchasing and recycling centers, conducting strong awareness and training programmes on promoting municipal solid waste management (MSWM), waste taxation and availability of finance could be found by ways of strengths while identifying weaknesses as low management of waste dumping, inefficient food waste sorting, shortcomings in compost manufacturing process, lack of recycling option for lunch sheet issue and failures in sludge fertilizer production. Furthermore, installation of a biogas unit within MSWM centre, introducing five bins for waste separation and obtaining external supports from government and industrial associations recognized as opportunities. Moreover, inadequate attention to promote research on environmental safeguard, nullity of compost standardization and leachate toxification observed under threats. Identified SWOTs could be helpful for any municipality to improve and develop future efficiency level of waste management processes strategically.
Keywords: Municipal solid waste, municipal solid waste management, urban waste management system, SWOT analysis