Identification and Establishing Floral Calendar in Jimma Zone of Oromia Ethiopia

Tura Bareke *

Holeta Bee Research Center, P.O. Box 22, Holeta, Ethiopia.

Kasim Roba

Holeta Bee Research Center, P.O. Box 22, Holeta, Ethiopia.

Admassu Addi

Holeta Bee Research Center, P.O. Box 22, Holeta, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Bee flora resources are crucial for the development of beekeeping. The study aimed to find and construct a flowering calendar for bee plants in order to produce many batches of honey. Data were collected through bee plant inventory, pollen collection and honey pollen analysis. Based on bee plant inventories, pollen load collection, and honey pollen analysis, 103 plant species were identified as nectar and pollen sources for honeybees. Ageratum conizoides, Guizotia scabra, Cordia africana, Datura arborea, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex nervosus, and Justicia schimperiana were the most common honey-producing plants in the area. The fresh weight of pollen gathered at various months of the year revealed that a substantial amount of pollen was collected in September, October, and November, but the incoming pollen weight decreased in March and July. The area's peak honey flow period began in November and lasted until early December or late February. The modest honey flow also occurred in May and June. Pollen examination of honey samples indicated three monofloral honey types: Guizotia spp., Vernonia, and Croton monofloral honey types, with pollen frequencies ranging between 45% and 100%. The study indicated that the floral calendar of bee forages is completely reliant on the seasonal availability of food sources, and beekeepers should be aware of how to manage honeybee colonies in accordance with the flowering calendar in their area in order to enhance the frequency of honey production.

Keywords: Bee floral, pollen, abundance, honey, diversity

How to Cite

Bareke, T., Roba , K., & Addi, A. (2023). Identification and Establishing Floral Calendar in Jimma Zone of Oromia Ethiopia. Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 19(4), 1–14.


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