Assessing the Status of Improved Stove and Its Contribution Towards the Conservation of Forest Resources, Bulehora Wordea, West Guji Zone, Ethiopia

P. Sekhar *

Department of Environmental Science, College of Natural & Computational Sciences, Bulehora Univetrsity, P. O. Box 144, Bulehora, Ethiopia.

Yirged Zewdie

Department of Environmental Science, College of Natural & Computational Sciences, Bulehora Univetrsity, P. O. Box 144, Bulehora, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study sought to analyze energy consumption trends in Bule hora, Ethiopia, with a particular emphasis on the usage of biomass energy and its impact on deforestation and land degradation. A standardized questionnaire was used to survey 150 households, taking into account various socioeconomic factors. The study discovered a high demand for fuel wood due to the widespread usage of traditional stoves for cooking. The study found that a higher number of respondents (71.4%) expressed positive opinions toward the use of upgraded stoves versus traditional stoves than negative attitudes (28.6%). Approximately 65% of respondents expressed confidence that upgraded stoves have higher fuel wood and energy usage efficiency.

Despite budgetary constraints that impede the implementation of better stoves, the majority of respondents voiced great support for them. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed that socioeconomic characteristics had a substantial influence on views about the usage of upgraded stoves. It is critical to promote awareness among local inhabitants about the benefits of utilizing upgraded stoves, as well as to work with many stakeholders to distribute these stoves effectively. Government incentives may also be required to encourage widespread use of energy-efficient technologies in Bule hora town, so helping to forest conservation initiatives.

Keywords: Deforestation, energy efficient, fuel wood, forest resources

How to Cite

Sekhar, P., & Zewdie, Y. (2024). Assessing the Status of Improved Stove and Its Contribution Towards the Conservation of Forest Resources, Bulehora Wordea, West Guji Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 20(2), 1–11.


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