Study on the Breeding Ground of Mahseer (Tor tor) In Narmada River of Jabalpur District, India

Prateek Kumar Tiwari *

Sanjeev Agarwal Global Education University, Bhopal, India.

Shriparna Saxena

Sanjeev Agarwal Global Education University, Bhopal, India.

Sona Dubey

College of Fishery Science, NDVSU, Jabalpur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The breeding grounds of Mahseer within the river are of most importance, as they serve as critical habitats for the breeding and early stages of development of numerous aquatic organisms. Consequently, river ecosystems are considered to be ecologically sensitive and socio-economically significant systems. This study employed a test harvest or random sampling method to assess the current status of breeding sites. The findings highlight a low number of breeding and nursery grounds for Mahseer, with some sites completely devoid of such habitats. This decline can be attributed to the escalating anthropogenic activities and pollution in the area. Therefore, it is crucial to implement regular monitoring and mitigate anthropogenic disturbances to restore the ideal and natural breeding and nursery grounds.

Keywords: Mahseer, Narmada river, breeding grounds

How to Cite

Tiwari, P. K., Saxena, S., & Dubey, S. (2024). Study on the Breeding Ground of Mahseer (Tor tor) In Narmada River of Jabalpur District, India. Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 20(2), 42–47.


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