A Study on Attitudinal Resources of Reading Texts in Chinese Senior High School English Textbooks: Taking Book 1 of Yilin Press AS an Example
Yuehong Wei *
Department of English, North China Electric Power University, Baoding-071003, China.
Qinghan Lu
Department of English, North China Electric Power University, Baoding-071003, China.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Reading plays an important role in senior high school English learning, and English textbooks are important resources for students to learn English and crucial means to improve students’ reading ability. Therefore, English teaching materials contain abundant attitudinal resources, which have important interpersonal significance and are important resources for cultivating students’ values. Based on the attitude system in Appraisal Theory of systemic functional linguistics, this study analyzes the attitudinal resources in the reading texts of a compulsory English textbook 1 of Yilin press for senior high schools in China. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, the study also examines the distribution and functions of the attitudinal resources in the reading texts, and interprets the meaning conveyed by them. This research found that all three kinds of attitudinal resources are involved in these reading discourses and affect resources are used most. The textbook conveys positive values to students. This study is expected to provide a new perspective for the study of textbook reading texts, and provide inspiration for senior high school English teaching and textbook compilation.
Keywords: Appraisal theory, attitudinal resources, senior high school English teaching, English teaching materials