Published: 2021-12-14

Page: 156-165


Soils & Water Use Department, National Research Centre, Egypt.


Soils & Water Use Department, National Research Centre, Egypt.


Water Relations and Field Irrigation Department, National Research Centre, Egypt.


Water Relations and Field Irrigation Department, National Research Centre, Egypt.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Agricultural production contributes significantly to national income in Egypt. Also, farming activities remain the main task of a large population. One of the ambitious national plans has already started and will continue in the next few years to provide agricultural guidance with an area of ​​1.5 million acres. The main objective of this project is not only to overcome the food gap, textiles, oil and other human necessities, but also to create social settlements in the prospective areas outside the densely populated Nile Valley and Delta outskirts. Among the vital benefits of agricultural extension is the promotion of employment opportunities for a number of groups of the population that struggle with unemployment problems.

The strategy of this mega project focused on large areas in the Western Desert bordering the Nile Valley. However, large areas are included in the northern desert coast.

Crop production in this soil is limited due to: First, the high content of CaCO3 and its effect on reducing soil fertility and nutrient availability. Secondly, the composition of soil crust and its impact on the emerging seed and holder crop and thirdly low humidity range available. Therefore, it was necessary to study the factors that lead to increasing the containment of water and nutrients for this soil such as cultivation methods, fertilization, the use of micronutrients, organic fertilizer and the use of farm residues, types of machines, irrigation method, appropriate crops and others Managemen.

Keywords: Calcareous soil, Egypt, management, amendment

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