Editorial Team

Chief Editors      

Prof. Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Hasssanien

Deanship of Scientific Research,

Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, KSA

Email: mhassanien@uqu.edu.sa, hassanienmohamed@yahoo.com  

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Hector M. Mora Montes

Department of Biology, Division of Natural Sciences,

University of Guanajuato, México

Email: hmora@ugto.mx

Profile Link: NA



Academic Editors 

Dr. John J. Wille

President of Autologenix, Inc, and CEO of Bioderm Technologies, Inc., USA

Email: jjwille@aol.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Nataliya A. Babenko

Head of Department of Physiology of Ontogenesis,

Research Institute of Biology,

Kharkiv Karazin National University, Ukraine

Email: babenko@univer.kharkov.ua

Profile link: NA


Dr. Jesus Simal-Gandara

Department of Food Science and Technology,

Food Science Lab., University of Vigo, Spain

Email: jsimal@uvigo.es

Profile link: http://depc07.webs.uvigo.es/docentes_jsimal.es.html


Prof. Cheorl-Ho Kim

Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


Samsung advanced institute of health science and technology, Korea

Email: chkimbio@skku.edu

Profile link: NA


Dr. Yi-Ren Hong

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,

College of Medicine, Graduate Institute of Medicine,

Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Email: m835016@kmu.edu.tw,  m835016@cc.kmu.edu.tw

Profile link: NA

Dr. Francisco Torrens

Institute of Molecular Science,

University of Valencia, Spain

Email: torrens@uv.es

Profile link: https://goo.gl/VWYgx5


Dr. Bernhard Schuster

Department of NanoBiotechnology,

Institute of Synthetic Bioarchitectures, Austria

Email: bernhard.schuster@boku.ac.at

Profile link: NA

Complete list of Editors will be published soon.