THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATION OF Aloe barbadensis Mill. (aloe vera) FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): A SYSTAMATIC REVIEW
Department of Home Science, Culcutta University, 20 E, Judges Court Road, Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700027, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a lifestyle disorder that occurs due to hyperandrogenism in women. In this, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels decrease whereas testosterone levels increase at once. There are many reasons for which PCOS occurs. Etiology and pathophysiology are discussed briefly in the present article. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) is a renowned medicinal herb among the whole world for its pharmacological activities like ‘anti-diabetogenic’, ‘anti-microbial’, ‘anti-inflammatory’, ‘anti-obesity’ and clinical activities including ‘PCOS management’ and ‘wound healing’, ‘skin protection’ etc. The present paper objects to summarize the impact of aloe vera in PCOS management and other PCOS-induced disorders. It inhibits the genes that induce PCOS and aloe vera also regulates the activity of insulin. Several bioactive phytochemicals, present in aloe vera like ‘barbaloin’, ‘aloe-emodin-9-anthrone’, ‘lsobarbaloin’ ,’Anthrone-C-glycosides’ and ‘chromones’, ‘phytosterols’, ‘aloin’, ‘anthrone’, ‘aloe emodin’ , ‘aloetinic acid’ , ‘choline’ and ‘choline salicylate’ etc., which are responsible for its efficacy in PCOS and PCOS-induced disorders management.
Keywords: Hyperandrogenism, FSH, PCOS, testosterone, ‘anti-diabetogenic’, ‘anti-microbial’, ‘anti-inflammatory’, ‘anti-obesity’, phytochemicals